Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm tired

Mom fed me breakfast. It was really good... then I fell asleep.

First Haircut

Mommy said that I needed a haircut. Then she came at me with that little machine. I am not really sure what she was up to but she was bothering me while I was trying to eat my cake...
anyway, this is me looking good with my new do.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Play date with Jacob

Jacob came over to play today. I am so glad cause he has been sick and I have not seen him in a long time. We played with my yoyo and ate crackers. It was a good day.

New house before pictures

Ok michelle here is your vitural tour of our home. I took these a while ago but here it is...

This is our dumpy stair case which is the future site of our kitchen.
This is the old kitchen...
this was our front yard but now it has been cleared.
It was a lot of work.
this is the living room it will be the dining room soon.
this is another angle showing where our kitchen will be.
this is the worst bathroom ever!!!!!
I just realized that we have no pictures of the upstairs. It is really bad too!