Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A day at the beach

This is a picture of my best friend Jacob and me. We were busy checking out some pretty girls when this picture was taken. I wish mom would have just gotten out of the way. I love being at the beach but you have to watch out for those darn seagulls. I swear one was trying to eat mom but dad saved her.

Here I am with Dad in my life jacket. He was pretty careful not to let me squirm away while we were ridding out to the beach. I hope that we get to go out on the boat again. I hear that we are going to the keys soon and that the water will be much warmer than it is here. The water here is freezing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Take me out to the ball game

We went to a baseball game with my best friend Jacob and his parents... Go Defenders!

We ate lots of junk food like hotdogs and friend dough. I got to eat Mommy's hot dog bun.
Oh yeah and the Defenders won the game!
After the game we watched my first fireworks display, it was cool... Go Defenders!

Daddy looks really tired in this picture, it was a long day!

The Naked Chef

I like helping out in the kitchen! Look how clean this spatula is!

The Farmers Market

Mom and Dad brought me to the farmers market on Saturday morning, It was really fun! They drank lemonade and even shared there apple muffin with me. I love apple muffins! That was enough excitment for me. I had to nap on the way back to the car.

Monday, June 16, 2008

There are rumors I have been using performance enhancements and that the blog has been helped along by outside sources. Let me just say that this is false. I am 100% natural in my blog production. To prove this I had Mom take this video of me working on the blog while I was sitting on Grandpa's lap. I hope that this will put to rest any rumors there may be out there and prove once and for all that I am all natural. Thank you for your support and I hope to continue producing high quality entertainment for many years to come.


Here is a video of me practicing my golf swing.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I had no Idea

This is what happened when mom and dad told me how many Birthday's grampa has had.

For grampa and great grandma Cooper

So I have been told that tommorow is kind of a big day. Not only is it dad's first fathers day but it is also grandpa Cooper and great grandma Cooper's birthday. I am not real sure what a birthday is since I havent had one yet but I hear that grandpa has had quite a few, so I thought I would wish them both a happy B-day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A lot has happened

I know it has been awhile since I put anything up on the blog but what do you want from me? I am only 8 months old! Besides how could you possibly be mad at a face like this?
Here I am with Grampa sittin on the porch during a great weekend when Both grandparents and great grama Cooper came to visit.

A couple of days later, mom took me out to the beach and I had a great time. We wont tell anybody that right after this picture was taken that the umbrella flew away and hit some poor lady. But there was no way that she could be mad at me.

Finally we have caught up to date. Today Dad told me we are going to visit Grampa and Grama in the keys in July. I am so excited, I just cant wait.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm not real sure what to think of this thing but my parents sure do seem to be excited about them. I think they are a lot of fun to play with though.

Grampa is so much fun to hang out with. I think I am going to pull on his hair for a while before I have to go to bed.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I scream for ice cream

I have been having a rough couple of days. I am teething so I feel pretty yucky. Mommy keeps taking my temperature. She says I have a fever. She has been giving me medicine but that doesn't help as much as ice cream does! Yum. I love this stuff!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Good Sunday morning

I woke mommy up at 5:30 to let her know that my bed was wet and that she needed to wash everything up. Then I let her know that I should get some grub while she was at it. After she changed my wet clothes, bed and fed me I decided to act a little upset cause I had to poop. She wanted to go for a walk and told daddy to listen for me but before she could leave she heard me clear from upstairs and came down to change me into another clean diaper. Then she tossed me into Daddys arms in bed and ran out of the house. So me and Daddy just went back to sleep. It is Sunday morning after all! we should sleep in!
Now Mommy is upstairs making pancakes (me and Daddy's favorite) from scratch while we sleep. What a good Mommy...